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What is goal?

- A goal is an idea of the future or desired result that a person or a group of people envision, plan and commit to achieve.

Many people tend to make goals for a new semester related to getting healthy, losing weight, spending more time with loved ones and saving more money. Tests tend to make up a big part of students' grades in college, so having good study habits is a necessity. So, here are a few studying goals that college students can make for their semesters. 

# Don't procrastinate

When you put off studying until the last minute, you force yourself to cram for a test, and you are less likely to retain the information this way. Start scheduling study time further in advance before an exam so you don’t have to spend hours and hours the few days before or the night before trying to review all the material.

This may be a tough goal to have, but the more time you’re able to spend with the information, the more likely you are to remember it and remember it correctly.

# Go to class

Going to class, taking notes, and starting to absorb and become familiar with the material there is a key step that will help facilitate better studying. If you skip classes a lot, you'll be forced to teach yourself the information and learn on your own, which means when you could be reviewing your notes and studying, you'll only be learning the material for the first time.

Make it your goal to actually go to class this semester (and only let yourself skip now and again) — you'll have more and better information to study from if you attend class, and rereading what you wrote during class is a great and simple way to start your test review early.

# Do the reading

Along with attending classes, actually doing the assigned reading for your class is an important studying goal to have for this semester. When you do the assigned readings — when they're supposed to be read — you allow yourself time to adequately read the textbook and other materials and you'll be more prepared for your classes, which means more of the information lectured about and discussed in class will make sense.

When you skim the readings or blow them off, you force yourself to cram doing all the assigned readings into a day or two before the exam when your time would be better spent simply reviewing your materials and notes, rather than completing assignments you should've already done.

# Review your notes 

Don’t just start reviewing and studying for a test a few days or the day before your exam. Instead, try to set aside time each day to review your notes — when you do go to study for a test, your retention rate will be much higher since you’ll have already gone over the material multiple times and will remember the information better.

Resolve to review your notes for even just 10 minutes each night so you become increasingly familiar with the material and are that much less stressed before the exam about just starting to study.

# Find a good study spot

A good study spot is a crucial studying tool - so make it your goal to explore what locale will help you study productively. Many students find successful studying occurs in a campus library, but if you're more comfortable sticking to your dorm, apartment, or house, those places can work too.

Figure out what environment will allow you to concentrate the best and try to schedule in some time to go there and study starting a few days before an exam.

# Switch up your study spots

Once you've found a good study spot, you may want to stick to it for all your studying. However, studies have actually shown that rotating your study space is a more effective way to remember information since memory is influenced by location. That means alternating your study spots actually increases your retention rate.

So rather than just sticking to one study spot that you like, resolve to try to find a few places on campus or in your home that allow you to study effectively and vary your study spots over the course of your test review.

# Get plenty of sleep

Rather than staying up super late cramming for an exam, make a goal to plan your studying schedule ahead so you can still get 6-8 hours of sleep the night before your test. Being well-rested and getting enough sleep allows the information you studied to sink in, which will enable you to perform better on your exam.

By making these seven goals for studying, your studying will be more effective and your test scores will be that much better. However, these goals only work if you make them and actually carry them out.

What is goal setting?

~ Goal setting is a process for thinking about your ideal future and for motivating yourself to turn this vision of the future into reality.
~ The process of goal setting will help you where you want to go in life.
~ Property set goals can be incredibly motivating and as you get into the habit of setting and achieving goals, you will find your self-confidence builds fast.

Difference between goal and goal setting

Goal = A goal is something that a person wants to accomplish

goal setting= Goal setting is the process of planning how you will accomplish the goal successfully

You use a goal statement when you’re determined to accomplish something in your life. Goals give you direction and focus while allowing you to take better control of your life. Creating professional goal statements and persona goal statements also provide you with a benchmark to see if you’re working in the right direction and succeeding to achieve the goals you have set.

Like any other goal, you need to follow guidelines to achieve them. Whether you’re creating professional goal statements, personal goal statements or even a goal statement for college, the goals you set should be clearly defined, attainable, and decisive. This is the main reason for goal statement examples – to plan, evaluate your plans, and to guide your actions.


A learning management system, (LMS) is a software that is designed specifically to create, distribute, and manage the delivery of educational content. The LMS can be hosted as a stand-alone product on the company server, or it can be a cloud-based platform that is hosted by the software firm.

The advantages of LMS in any educational setting can include:

  • Teachers can use established pedagogical models to deliver more personalized lessons and increase the engagement level of students.
  • Students respond well to micro-learning and the LMS is a perfect platform for facilitating this format of learning.
  • Students can learn on their own via computers, laptops, and mobile devices to keep learning alive 24/7.
  • An LMS increases the flexibility and creativity of the learning materials, which enhances the student experience and encourages shared collaboration.
  • Student progression through lessons and assessments becomes more self-driven .
  • Artificial intelligence and automation make administration of learning materials easier for instructors, freeing up their time for other teaching opportunities

My goal
# Get a good pointer in exam
# Completing all assignments in the time given
My obstacles
# Got distracted by others
# Laziness
My solutions# Use time wisely
# Make a setting goal for myself

Your goals are the road maps that guide you and show you what is possible for your life.

Good luck!!!

Thank you very much because you are willing to spend your precious time to visit my blog.
See you soon!! <3


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